Windows to my professional presence on the internet

-- by Elika Garg

Project maintained by eg-r Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Academia and Publications

My ResearchGate Profile lists my published and/or presented work.
My MSc thesis brings together a collaborative cancer study and my own statistical methodology work on NanoString nCounter mRNA data.

Fringes and Centers of Academic life

My LinkedIn Profile contains a plethora of information related to my academic quests. It is certainly not all of it, but a lot, nonetheless.

World of Code-craft and -draft(s)

My GitHub Profile says a little something about my programming experience.
Learning R introduced me to the joys of programming, and I wish to continue learning coding skills. Here is my first R-package, which was accepted by Bioconductor: SIGHTS
Unfortunately, my more recent work is not public. However, it involves coding in bash, SQL, and PySpark as well.

R CodeR and LoveR